Why are we involved in the Agriconfiance approach (standard NF V01-007) ?

Agriconfiance® is an initiative that aims to promote the development of more environmentally friendly
practices towards winegrowers. This commitment has been translated in 2011 with certification according
to NF V01-007 « système de management de la qualité et de l’environnement de la production agricole ».
Depuis cette date, nos adhérents ayant souhaité s’engager dans la démarche ont bénéficié d’une mise à
niveau sur 3 ans. Ils sont suivis et évalués tous les ans par le service vignoble afin d’atteindre les objectifs
fixés par la norme NF V01-007. En 2017, la démarche Agriconfiance® a été étendue à l’ensemble du vignoble,
et l’audit NF V01-007 de juin 2017 a permis de confirmer la certification de l’ensemble du vignoble et des adhérents.

Our Agriconfiance® members commit, among others, to:
– Have a standard phytosanitary storage to store their products
– Have a washing area with effluent recovery
– Have a system for treating wine effluents
– Perform a technical inspection of their sprayer every 5 years
– Upgrade their storage room for oil and hydrocarbons
– Participate at least once a year in a training offered by the winery

This standard, obtained in 1998, specifies the requirements for the management system quality in order to produce wines that meet the expectations of customers and of current regulations. The essential elements of this tool are the process approach and the system of continuous improvement, inter alia by carrying out internal audits.


Jean-Michel DELANNOY- President of the association Agriconfiance® 

“As President of the association Agriconfiance ®, I am in contact with the Président et le Directeur
President and the Director the Rauzan winery as part of their commitment and certification according to
NF V01-007. 
We have very good relations with this structure. Regularly, we invite them to come to demonstrate
their cooperative approach in order to strengthen our presentation of structure, company and 
We are in a relationship of commitment and mutual help, our exchanges and partnerships are 
very constructive
and we are progressing in cooperation.

In 2016, the cooperative accepted that the General Assembly of Agriconfiance ® took place on the site of
Rauzan. On this occasion, we were greeted enthusiastically by the company with a very convivial spirit.
We were able to observe the presence and implementation of quite positive practices, deeply rooted in social
responsibility. We can say that in the field of CSR, the 
Caves de Rauzan are exemplary on many aspects.
From a more global point of view, the Caves de Rauzan have, in my opinion, the intelligence to look at all tools
made available by French agricultural cooperation, of which Agriconfiance ® is a part, and to use advisedly.

The Caves de Rauzan are therefore an organization with which I enjoy working and with whom the desire to
share and to move forward is present. To be able to go ahead with companies that share our values.
Efforts and strategies is a happiness and it pushes us towards the best. ”



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