2023 CSR Report

Our new CSR report is online!

Our new CSR report has just been published. Discover it right here. It includes our CSR practices, projects and indicators, as well as a number of testimonials from internal and external collaborators. The document has been validated by the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative),  an independent international organization that helps businesses and other organizations take responsibility for their impacts, by providing them with the global common language to communicate those impacts.

The paper version of the report is printed on paper made from grape marc for the cover, and recycled paper for the inside.

Enjoy your reading!



Visit the winery les Caves de Rauzan

What about our commitments?

It’s not always easy to understand what is behind a label, that’s why we did this little summary !

Feta tomato basil skewer recipe

What’s simpler and more refreshing with a rosé Bordeaux ?

Enjoy the summer aperitif !

The Lebanese tabbouleh, our version

Our summer recipes without cooking to accompany a rosé Bordeaux from Caves de Rauzan!

We start with a classic vegetarian recipe: the Lebanese tabouleh, our version


Ingredients for 4 people :

• 1 glass of whole semolina

• 1 half cucumber cut into small pieces

• 3 medium tomatoes cut into small pieces

• 50g of diced feta (or more!)

• ½ shallot finely chopped

• Fresh mint leaves

• some pine nuts

• A dozen green olives finely minced


Classic seasoning: olive oil, lemon, salt pepper to your liking

Prepare the semolina (1 glass of semolina + 1 glass of boiling water from the kettle)

Then add the rest of the ingredients.

Homemade pineapple pizza


• 1 pizza dough, homemade or ready-made, according to your time

• 1 small can of tomato coulis

• 80g of diced ham

• 1 can of pineapple

• 1 ball of mozzarella

• Some black olives

• Basil and oregano

Spread the dough, then the tomato coulis, the diced ham, the pineapple in small pieces, the mozzarella in thin slices, the black olives.

Sprinkle basil &  in the oven for about 20 minutes!